I’m a Spiritualist at heart. I believe our Souls live on forever and that if we so choose, we even reincarnate. I believe that the “veil” between this world and the next isn’t as heavy and thick as some would have us believe.
February 1st is the anniversary of my Dad’s physical death. He passed away back in 1996. I talk to him frequently and at times, I’m even open enough to “hear” him answer.
At the time of Dad’s death, Ozzy Osbourne’s song “See You on the Other Side” was just released and it was being played constantly. During the 1000 mile drive from my home in Philadelphia to my family’s home in western Wisconsin, I went through lots of radio stations along the way and almost all of them were playing that song. I heard it played dozens of times and I cried with every one of them.
Leaving, I hate to see you cry
Grieving, I hate to say goodbye
Dust and ash forever, yeah…
If you aren’t familiar with the song, it’s about dying, leaving behind those you love, but anticipating seeing them again – on the Other Side. It was just so eerie, that song by one of my favorite artists being played non-stop when my Dad suddenly died from a heart attack. As far as I’m concerned, “See You on the Other Side” is our song – Dad’s and mine.
Though I know we must be parted
As sure as stars are in the sky
I’m gonna see when it comes to glory
And I’ll see you, I’ll see you on the other side…
Fast forward to 2013 – 17 years since Dad’s passing (where did the time go?). I mentally mark the anniversary of Dad’s death and always think of him a little more keenly that day.
During most days, I listen to a heavy metal / rock internet radio station. I don’t remember ever hearing that song played, even with hundreds of hours of internet radio under my belt. After all, it has a special place in my heart so if I heard it, I would have remembered it. I had never heard “See You on the Other Side” played on the stations I listen to.
Until Friday, February 1, 2013 …
I was sitting at my computer with the music playing in the background. I only had to hear the first few cords and my fingers froze on the keyboard. I listened to the haunting words that always touch the deepest places in my heart:
Voices, a thousand, thousand voices
Whispering (whispering), the time
Has passed for choices…
Some would say this was a “Coincidence”, this song playing on the anniversary of my father’s death. I say it was my Dad reaching out to me “from the Other Side”.
Reaching back from the other side of the Veil to tell me he knew I still hurt, but that it would be okay. Reaching out to tell me that he is still there, still with me, patiently waiting until my time to join him.
I love you Dad, and miss you. I look forward to when I will See You on the Other Side….

Whispering (whispering), the time
Has passed for choices
Golden days are passing over, yeah
I can’t seem to see you baby
Although my eyes are open wide
But I know I’ll see you once more
When I see you, I’ll see you on the other side
Yes, I’ll see you, I’ll see you on the other side
Leaving, I hate to see you cry
Grieving, I hate to say goodbye
Dust and ash forever, yeah
Though I know we must be parted
As sure as stars are in the sky
I’m gonna see when it comes to glory
And I’ll see you, I’ll see you on the other side
Yes I’ll see you, I’ll see you on the other side
Never thought I’d feel like this
Strange to be alone, yeah
But we’ll be together
Carved in stone, carved in stone, carved in stone
Hold me, hold me tight, I’m falling
Far away. Distant voices calling
I’m so cold. I need you darling, yeah
I was down, but now I’m flying
Straight across the great divide
I know you’re crying, but I’ll stop you crying
When I see you, I see you on the other side
Yes. I’ll see you. See you on the othe side
I’m gonna see you. See you on the other side
God knows I’ll see you, see you on the other side, yeah
I’ll see you. See you on the othe side
I’m gonna see you. See you on the other side
God knows I’ll see you, see you on the other side, yeah
I wanna see you, yeah, yeah, yeah, see you on the other side
God knows I’ll see you, see you on the other side, yeah
I’m gonna see you. See you on the other side
Thanks for sharing this Colleen. I’m of the belief there are no coincidences and I could feel your “fingers freezing on the keyboard” as your Dad was able to pull back the veil and let you know he’s there for you. Michael
Thanks Mike – I know your Dad reached out to you from the Other Side as well.
Hi Colleen
I loved reading your story. I too believe what you say. With our family we believe that our moms sign has to do with the lights. When they flicker or suddenly go out etc. . One time shortly after she passed we were at a memorial event in her honor. My grief was so fresh and raw I could hardly stand it. So during the ceremonies I asked my mom to give me a sign that she was aware of what is going on. Well the lights went out in the whole building so I believed! There were many incidents like this but this was the most powerful one. I feel that if we are open to seeing these signs they will come.
Marita, your story is wonderful. I’m so glad you shared that with me! Your mom would have made quite an electrician, huh! Hugs!
What you wrote warms my heart. I still miss my pop too. Some pain just sticks with you. I think he found a way to speak to you too. A way he knew you would recognize. God bless you.
Beautiful Colleen, just beautiful.
I’m so happy you had communication from your ffather. I wish I would have that from my father. I don’t actually even know the day he died, so sad. He maintains silence, think I might need a communicator to get a message. He doesn’t want to talk to me.
It’s so wonderful that you had a good relationship with your father. It seems like he had a good life and lived it well! 🙂 xoox
Hi Christine – I know you know some Mediums! Perhaps it’s not that he doesn’t want to communicate with you but rather he’s afraid or doesn’t know how. Or he doesn’t have a strong enough connection to this realm to get a message through. Who knows.
My brother has made contact with me too. Kind of freaky but really makes me feel good knowing he’s still around. Thank you for writing this. I’m glad other people have similar things happen.
Wow. I’m glad you were given that moment… may it continue to give your heart healing. I can’t believe how much my brother Rand resembles him !! Time seems so short when you are having to say good bye to loved ones but so LONG when you’re waiting to BE with them again. But you’re right- they are still among us, we just have to look at them with our other senses. YOU are FORTUNATE and BLESSED for such a gift…. to be able to tune in to your spiritual sense. I have heard of many in our family that have this gift. SO many do not have it. Sending you peace & love & comfort w/ joy as you keep your father’s essence alive cousin!!
Thank you Camie! I’d love to see a pic of your brother. It seems like ages ago since we saw each other as kids. Guess it was an age ago! Sounds like you’ve been able to get a better gauge on our family than me. I guess I moved away before getting to know a lot of the family. Maybe we’ll get a chance to meet again next time I’m back in Wisconsin.
I searched for pictures of his but the best one that showed a resemblance was this:
not sure if you see it but I can, 🙂
The family reunions are still in August– first weekend I believe! let’s keep in
Sorry Camie, photo doesn’t come up. Might have the privacy setting to something other than “public”. Interestingly enough, your reply is dated 2/22, which was Dad’s birthday!
Beautiful Colleen!!! I loved your dad lots too and miss his smiling face! I’m glad he communicated with you and totally believe in it!!! I have had many dreams about him and wish he was still here with us! He was a wonderful Grandpa to Jessica and was so proud of all of us!! Keep smiling and singing George!!! We all love and miss you soooo much! 🙂
Love ya Sis!!! Colleen
Colleen, thank you for that – I know you must miss him too. You saw more of him than I did those last years, since I lived so far away. Thanks for reminding me of his singing!