New Surreal Painting – Religion is Born

The stone sphere in this painting represents the Ancient… the Universe. It is worn and weathered, and covered with cracks to show just how old it really is. Embedded in the sphere is a triangle, point down, which is representative of spirit entering the material...

In the Beginning

Acrylic on canvas – 20×24 inches – SOLD! This painting speaks to the mystery that initiated the creation of our world, our universe. I incorporate the four elements of fire, water, earth and air that the ancients believed to be the components of all things: the...

Amazon Song

36″x36″ Acrylic on Canvas, 2022 There’s a lot going on in this painting – there are textures upon textures and colors merging into other colors. That’s what our world is like – a complex ecosystem with many layers and it’s even more true in an...

Requiem for Pygmalion

For those of you who are up on ancient Greek mythology (I don’t know – is anyone anymore???), I’m sure you’re familiar with the story of Pygmalion and Galatea. If you need a refresher for this tale, here it is in a nutshell: Pygmalion, a...

Neapolitan Nightmare

Yes, this painting was influenced by Neapolitan ice cream, more specifically, after watching some kids delightfully eating, slurping and laughing over their bowls of yummy summer treats all while barely sitting down at their booth. Their energy was almost palpable and...

Eve Had the Right Idea

“Eve Had The Right Idea” is an acrylic on canvas painting completed in 2022. The  18×24 canvas was gessoed with tissue paper to make it very textured prior to building up several layers of colorful acrylic paint. How the apple fits into the...