Neapolitan Nightmare

Neapolitan Nightmare

Yes, this painting was influenced by Neapolitan ice cream, more specifically, after watching some kids delightfully eating, slurping and laughing over their bowls of yummy summer treats all while barely sitting down at their booth. Their energy was almost palpable and if I squinted, I could have sworn their auras were swirling all over the place!

I tried to capture a bit of the energy and chaos present at that table, while noting the stressed and overwhelmed demeanor of the adult chaperones (hence “Nightmare” in the title).

The bright colors merge and curve around each other – energies both in conflict and unison. It’s hard to tell from the photo, but there is metallic gold paint in the artwork, to further emphasize the brightness and vibrance of such lively enthusiasm.

Those crosshatched lines in the lower right quadrant? That’s for the totally unsuccessful attempts of the adults to contain and “fence in” the unbridled joy and animation the kids in this group exuded!

1 Comment

  1. HAHAHAHA ~ I’ve been one of those parents!!!!!


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