Mixed Media – 9.25″ x 13.5″
There was no winning at this point and no turning back – if I tried to resist dealing with my abuse, my subconscious plagued me in my dreams. If I looked at what happened, what I felt, how it affected me, how I was feeling now – I still had nightmares, whether I was awake or asleep. There seemed to be no escape anymore. Those medieval demons were now descending on me.
Abuse Series Index
- Introduction
- Schizophrenia
- Cataclysm
- Anti-Social Behavior
- I'm Afraid
- Nightmares
- Feeding Frenzy
- Betrayal
- I was Innocent
- Pain & Isolation
- Hurt Hate
- Grandpa, Why was I Sacrificed for You?
- Childhood Broken
- Before & After
- Broken Toy Broken Child
- Struggling to Emerge
- You Made the Colors of My World Bleed
- Genesis
- Blossom
- Still Some Garbage But It's Getting Better
- Blue Angel - Reclaiming My Childhood
- Always Smiling, Always Hidden
- The Premonition Had a Relapse
- The Premonition Dreamt It was a Child
- Chrysalis
- Recollections
- Sanctuary
- Conclusion