The Abuse Series

“Fighting the Ghosts”

The Legacy of Childhood Sexual Abuse

This is an artistic chronology reflecting the various phases I experienced while trying to come to terms with childhood sexual abuse. It took me decades to push past the repression and denial to finally deal with this particularly savage issue. I hope that what I have expressed artistically might help others who have also suffered. I present this artwork in homage to the little girl inside of me who was so tragically harmed, and to all the other children like her.

~ Colleen D. Gjefle

Continue to the Artwork Exhibition

Anti-Social BehaviorAnti-Social Behavior
I'm AfraidI’m Afraid
Feeding FrenzyFeeding Frenzy
I was InnocentI was Innocent
Pain & IsolationPain & Isolation
Hurt HateHurt Hate
Grandpa, Why was I Sacrificed for You?Grandpa, Why was I Sacrificed for You?
Childhood BrokenChildhood Broken
Before & AfterBefore & After
Broken Toy Broken ChildBroken Toy Broken Child
Struggling to EmergeStruggling to Emerge
You Made the Colors of My World BleedYou Made the Colors of My World Bleed
Still Some Garbage But It's Getting BetterStill Some Garbage But It’s Getting Better
Blue Angel - Reclaiming My ChildhoodBlue Angel – Reclaiming My Childhood
Always Smiling, Always HiddenAlways Smiling, Always Hidden
The Premonition Had a RelapseThe Premonition Had a Relapse
The Premonition Dreamt It was a ChildThe Premonition Dreamt It was a Child